


What time to do you turn up and how long do you stay?

I arrive generally around 2 hours before ceremony time to wherever the bride is getting ready and stick around til the end of the formalities, which is usually the first dance, I would hang around for 2-3 songs then quietly leave you to enjoy the rest of your evening.

Do you supply high res images and do I have permission to print them?

Yes and yes. They are your images to do with as you please for personal use only. If your suppliers wish to use the images send them my way and I’ll help them out. I will also provide you with an online album which will be live for 1 year after you receive your photos. You can share this with family and friends, they can order photos directly from me and delivered straight to their door.

Are the photos retouched?

Yes the images are edited in my style which you will see on my website and blog.

I’ve heard nightmare stories of photographers, will you be super bossy on the day?

Hell no. It’s your day, I’m there to capture it. I will steer the day so as to get the formals and requested photos but other than that I am there to document the day as it happens.

How long have you been doing this?

Since 2011. I have shot well over 100 weddings now, my first solo wedding was a bit of a baptism of fire, it was in France, in French, in the blistering heat. Steep learning curve (and fun day) had there. I have shot weddings all over Ireland and Australia in all different types of weather, venues and for all different types of people.

How many photos will I get?

You will get between 300-500 photos edited on a disc.

Oh lord, what if it rains?

Don’t panic. Stock up on brollies to match your wedding and forget about it. No one will get wet and we’ll find the perfect spots to do your formals and couples photos.