
Best Wedding Photographer Ireland 2023

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Best Wedding Photographer Ireland 2023


2022! What a wild ride that was!!! I FINALLY quit my job to go full time with photography. I don’t regret a thing. I have much more time to myself. Much more time to dedicate to my business. And much more time for just arsin’ around. All these things were really missing from my life. They’re all equally important. I got to travel all over this little island of ours and document the weddings of some absolutely wonderful people.

2023 is shaping up to be just as good. With conferences; Doc Day & Learning to Fly  already in the books who knows what else might tickle my fancy. Personally, I’ll be traveling a bit more and exploring different countries and cultures. I promise myself I’ll bring my camera along more than last year. Throw in some swimming, hiking, hanging with pals, I think 2023 is gonna be a good year.

The below is just a snippet of my favourite images from 2022. I’ve grown so much as a photographer in this last year. I’ve learned so much from workshops, my peers and entering competitions. And if anything, I love my job even more now. I can’t wait for the 2023 season to kick off!

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