
Winter Waterford Castle Wedding – Jasmine & Darragh

Winter Waterford Castle Wedding

Winter Waterford Castle Wedding – Jasmine & Darragh

Winter Waterford Castle Wedding

A wedding so nice, they did it twice. Jasmine & Darragh are one of those pandemic wedding couples who had to postpone their wedding a few times. We initially met in early 2020 and hit it off straight away. We bonded over our love of animals (Jasmine is a crazy cat lady) and immediately knew we were gonna have a great time. They got legally married in 2020 on the date they had initially planned and then had the big celebration in Waterford Castle when it was safe to. I spent the morning with the girls in the bridal suite. It felt like hanging out with my pals as I’d gotten to know them so well with all the postponements. Darragh got ready in his parents and came over just before the ceremony where I caught him for some candids. Winter Waterford Castle Wedding

Waterford Castle Wedding

Jasmine & Darragh exchanged their vows in the grand entrance hall of the 16th Century castle setting, in front of the stunning open fireplace in the company of close family & friends. Jasmine’s mam, Laura, is a registered humanist wedding celebrant so she officiated the wedding. How nice is that?

After the ceremony, we had a little time before the sun went down so we did a few formals with family & bridal party, followed by a quick jaunt around the outside of the castle for couples photos and a bit of alone time for Jasmine & Darragh. Then it was back to the wedding reception for a right hooly!

Hair: Niamh Kennedy
Makeup: Kerry Ryan
Flowers: Lamber DeBie
Wedding Dress: Wona NYC

Winter Waterford Castle Wedding \ Best Wedding Photographer in Ireland



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