
Is a first look for you? – Wedding Tips

first look wedding photos ireland

Is a first look for you? – Wedding Tips

A first look is a relatively new concept in Ireland. The Americans have been doing it for ages now but it’s only taken off here in recent years. I personally love them. In fact, Darran and I will be doing one for our wedding in June.I

What is a first look?

A first look is where the couple decides to see each other before the wedding ceremony. It’s a great way to have a special moment together. It calms the nerves before the ceremony and goes a long way to reduce the tension you might feel.

It’s also great way to get you wedding portraits done earlier than usual. . It also means you get to spend more time with your guests at your drinks reception. If you’re having a ceremony late in the day some couples take their bridal party and family photographs earlier on to really be able to relax later on. If you’re getting married in Winter, where the days are shorter, it’s a great chance to get beautiful portraits while there is still natural light available.

What if we don’t want to see each other before the ceremony?

That’s totally fine. You do you! Adam and Samantha (above) had a first prayer. I brought Adam to one side of the wall and when he was ready, I put Samantha in place. They held hands, had a giggle, said a prayer together and then went to prepare for the ceremony. Perfect!

Is a first look for you? Drop me a line now to chat about it.

Is a first look for you? – Wedding Tips | Irish Wedding Photographer | Wedding Photography Ireland


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