
Best Irish Wedding Photographer 2024

What a year! Personally it was a great year of travelling and spending quality time with friends and family. Which is what it’s all about for me. I climbed many mountains, literally and figuratively. I swam in every body of water I encountered. I still regret not hopping in to Kilary Fjord post wedding when I had the chance, but you live and learn.

Professionally, it was one of my best years. Not only did I have amazing couples who trusted me to do my thing, and to document their day in my own way, I also received peer recognition in the shape of awards. I was delighted to be named in NineDots Top 10 Photographers 2023. I ranked in the Top 50 Photographers in the World according to WPJA. I won 17 IPPVA awards, including a very hard to get Gold award, to date and the Photographer of the Year 2023 is yet to be announced, so fingers crossed.

The below is just a snippet of my favourite images from 2023, I’m really proud of this body of work, and how I’ve grown as a photographer. More of that to come in 2024.

Best Irish Wedding Photographer 2024


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